Horse riding

For incredible walks

In an enchanted mountain, between sounds, colors, noises, magic and a bit of reality, you can savor the thrill of an unforgettable horseback ride

Horse riding

The Ambasciador Equestrian Centre, which has been operating for years in the equestrian tourism sector, offers the opportunity to young beginners to love, care for and understand the horse an animal that has always reserved friendship and affection, a rapprochement that therefore allows this mutual affection. Children, divided into groups by age group are found week by week to live in close contact with the horse: it starts in the morning with the care of the animal, on how to approach and juggle in his presence, on the genealogy and physical conformation of the subject until then all this be led to a job and a training on the field, within our rectangle. Of course, during this period children are followed by specialized personnel:

"Equestrian Environmental Guide" and "Technician of 1 year old riding companion level
Little Pony instructor

Children, in addition to dedicating our program called "Green Week", are also given lessons, inside the rectangle, first, the behavior of the horse and then get on the saddle and share with him, the pleasure of this sport.

The riding lessons, take place inside the rectangle, have a duration ranging from thirty minutes to an hour.

The lesson in a rectangle, has a duration that varies from 30 minutes to an hour, constantly followed, you will first be taught some notions about the approach, the behavior and the habits of the horse, then. once in the saddle, we will discover together some important notions to be adopted to maintain a right balance then. we will learn to give the first commands and, once ready, after a series of "hard" lessons, you will be ready to discover the wonderful environment that surrounds us... In fact, together with a guide, you will go out for your first walk, through the fascinating itineraries that the center offers.


Monte Labro.  From our center, along the path that includes the passage from the "Merigor", center of the Community "Dzog Chen", the side of the Wildlife Park, up to infiltrate into a barren and rocky landscape, you get to a clear mountain of limestone, almost blue, an untouched, rugged and beautiful nature. The meadows lying on the slopes of the mountain, leave the place, as you climb, to a parched landscape and stony.quasi lunar. 61the stroordinari landscapes that extend southwest of the Amiata, are those of Monte Labbro that includes the top 1193 meters s.l.m. with its bizarre cone shape, from which on a clear day you can see a horizon that goes to the sea.

Wildlife Park. Starting from the center, along hilly paths, after 1 hour of commino, you get to the Park. It is located on the eastern side of Mount Labbro and represents a new experience, in the varied panorama of national parks. Inspired by the model of the German "Wiid Park". It presents various species of animals such as: deer, deer, mouflon, chamois, wolf, roe deer, porcupine, badger. In addition, birds of prey such as the buzzard, the! Egyptian vulture, the lesser harrier, the kestrel, the sparrow hawk, the peregrine falcon, the short-toed harrier and the rare lanner. Despite being a Wildlife Park, very interesting are the floristic and arboreal aspects of the area. Walking along the paths you can observe: the Etruscan purple, the Gargano ranunculus, the pulmonary, the wild scylla, the chestnut, the hazelnut, the hornbeam, the oak and the turkey oak. Inside the Park you can taste the typical products of Amiata.

Santa Fiora and the Convent of SS. Trinità della Selva.  Entering a dense wooded path, alternating with white roads or sandy soils, you reach Santa Fiora, the ancient home of the Aldobrandeschi. Santa Fiora is one of the many centers on the slopes of Mount Amiata. Here, just below, outside the village and under the cliff of the castle, there is the Peschiera, a monumental complex built around the springs of the river Fiora as a fish nursery. At about 8km our path continues towards the Selva to the "Convent of the Holy Trinity" After a short stop, we leave for the return.

Towards the stone of Vettoraia.  There are many itinerori that you can walk, but there is one that can not miss; the walk to Sasso della Vettoroia where you look for the thrill of the view of an indescribable panorama. After an hour on horseback you reach the stone: here, while the horses stop, you walk a few hundred meters on foot and then start climbing the wall. After being inserted in a natural round hole of the rock, you come out on a small plateau and what you can see is truly exceptional. A green sea extends at your feet, chestnut and fir trees that descend to the villages below; you can see the Aldobrandesca tower of Arcidosso, with the look you can wander to Monte Labbro, Monte Aquilaia, Colline Senesi and Metallifere. You are on top of a large trochitic boulder of ancient lava, you feel surrounded by a sense of peace, tranquility. After the break, we leave for the return to the stable.

The Strada della Castagna.  Starting from the center, through a series of junctions for the paths of the Ring of Mount Amioto, you arrive to walk the chestnut road. Mount Amiata has the most important chestnut groves in Italy. From the slopes of Mount Amiate between the provinces of Siena and Grosseto, an ancient and characteristic fruit that has been the main food for many generations of the inhabitants of this beautiful mountain in southern Tuscany. The entire route can be covered in a half-day excursion on horseback, there are many scenarios and the landscapes certainly inimitable.

COW BOY NIGHT.  Our mountain, alternates its landscape of lights and shadows, offering us a nature full of sounds and noises, in a warm atmosphere, a summer night.  From dusk... to night, we walk towards Mount Labbro, admiring valleys and plains illuminated by the moon.  With the passing of the hours, after a time of walk to the pass and the trot, you reach ! to top of the tower jurisdovidica, accommodated from the starry sky.  Rest in the post office for the horses and a cozy grill enjoying the typical products of traditional gastronomy.  The return after the refreshment will end arriving at the center, awaited by a wonderful surprise...

Useful tips... to smile a little!!!

This page is dedicated or all those who, eager to approach the horse for the first time, do not take into account some fundamental drawbacks of the type. ,.. We recommend that you wear comfortable shoes in short.... Do not put on stilettos, sandals and slippers... we assure you that it is easier to get a ride from the space shuttle to go to the moon than taking a walk with stilettos or slippers.... But... if you really can not help it, we will still provide you, a boot, much more comfortable and safe to mount on the saddle.

Remember also that riding is not like taking a walk or walking, in short, once you get off, know that a certain pain in the legs and a certain sense of fatigue is normal! Don’t run to the doctor to see who knows what miracle medicine... the pain won’t go away for a couple of days.

When you are in the saddle... always remember not to shout, always try to appear expert riders and always ready for any eventuality, so as not to make ugly figures with any real expert riders .... usually beginners just get in the saddle, the first thing they can say between the embarrassment is... but moves?!?.... Remember that the horse is alive!!!!!! It must move!!!!!

Certain of having made you smile and certain that, even if at the first experience, we will be able to transmit all the love possible, to make this wonderful sport, become a real passion and maybe bring you back in our company, or walk among the wonderful paths of Monte Amiata.



1 hour lessons;

Walk 2 hours ( including initial approach);

Packages of 10 lessons ( duration 1 hour each);


Lessons of 30 minutes;

Packages of 5 lessons ( duration 30 minutes each);

Packages of 10 lessons ( duration 30 minutes each);

Green Weeks

One week ( lessons approach the horse, horse cleaning, harness, lessons on the ground and in the saddle, workshops, games, music)

Two weeks ( lessons approach the horse, horse cleaning, harness, lessons on the ground and in the saddle, workshops, games, music)


Duration 1 day, picnic included;

Duration 2 days, accommodation included;

In an enchanted mountain, between sounds, colors, noises, magic and a bit of reality, with us and with our horses, you can enjoy the emotion of an unforgettable walk, among thick chestnut and beech woods, along fascinating itineraries full of surprises!